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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Books for College 

Anarchy and Christianity

ellul The Subversion of Christianity

A Churchless Faith
Alan Jamieson

The Hermeneutics of Charity: Interpretation, Selfhood, and Postmodern Faith James K. A. Smith (Editor), Henry Isaac Venema (Editor), James H. Olthuis (Other Contributor)
'The Connecting Church' by Randy Frazee
rodney clapp a peculiar people
Patzia, A. The emergence of teh church
cinema & sentiment - Marsh, C.

The Ethics of Authenticity
Guignon, G. (2004). On Being Authentic. London, Routledge

Resident Aliens Satnley Hauerwas and William Willimon

From Death to Rebirth: Ritual and Conversion in Antiquity ~Thomas M. Finn
Paulist P.,U.S.
Paperback - March 1997

Change of Conversion and the Origin of Christendom (Christian Mission & Modern Culture S.)
~A Kreider
Continuum International Publishing Group - Trinity
Paperback - November 1, 1999

Sacred Pathways: Discover Your Soul's Path to God ~ Gary L. Thomas -- (Paperback - February 1, 2002)

The Search to Belong: Rethinking Intimacy, Community, and Small Groups (Emergent YS S.)
~Joseph R. Myers
Zondervan Publishing House
Paperback - September 1, 2003


Friday, February 18, 2005

Webber, R.E. (2002) The Younger Evangelicals. Baker Book House 

Good analysis of the liberal/ evangelical divide.

to reduce ecclesiology to the Great Commission alone is not adequately biblical. The younger evangelical intuitively knows this and is in search of a deeper grasp of what it means to be the church. Consequently, this chapter focuses on the younger evangelical commitment to the church visible. 108

The younger evangelicals want to be an eschatological community. They want to be a people formed by a theological understanding of the world and the presence of the Spirit, who makes this people a community that prefigures the future and expresses a foretaste of the kingdom to come.

In sum, to say the church is the body of Christ is to affirm the church is the continuation of the presence of Jesus in the world; its life is sustained by the energy of the Spirit who is "the Lord and giver of life"; there is a divine side and a human side to the church; the church is a witness to the drama of salvation; and the church is the presence of the eschatological future in the world. In this sense the church does not "have" a mission, it is mission, by its very existence in the world. 113

David Clark, professor at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, writes, "The best way to be effective is to care little for success. The best way to be a transforming leader is to care more about what's in your own hearts than what we accomplish. When we give up this need to be successful or powerful for purposes of inward validation, we arc free to be truly effective in fulfilling our callings. 1 long to see the church led by people who care so little about being successful as the world sees it and care so much about being in touch with God and in community with the people that the reality of God's power is powerfully unleashed." Speaking the same message but more bluntly, he says, 'I’m turned off by religious professionals who are filled with pretence.... 1 feel more connected with people who have been damaged by theology than those who love it” 121

Characteristics of the Younger Evangelical

1. Grew up in a postmodern world

2. Marked by a post-9/11 era

3. Have recovered the biblical understanding of human nature

4. Are aware of a new context for ministry

5. Differ with the pragmatist approach to ministry

6. Minister in a new paradigm of thought

7. Stand for the absolutes of the Christian faith in a new way

8. Recognize the road to the future runs through the past

9. Committed to the plight of the poor, especially in urban centres

10. Willing to live by the rules

11, Facility with technology

12. Highly visual

13. Communicate through stories

14. Grasp the power of imagination

15. Advocate the resurgence of the arts

16. Appreciate the power of performative symbol

17. long for community

18. Committed to multicultural communities of faith

19. Committed to intergenerational ministry

20. Attracted to absolutes

21. Ready to commit

22, Search for shared wisdom

23. Demand authenticity

24. Realize the unity between thought and action


Brown, D (2000) Angels and Demons. Corgi 


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Riddell, M (2000) Sacred Journey. Lion  

Good - chapter on love in particular


"Many forms of spirituality appear to focus on the inner life as if that were sufficient in itself. Without care, this can promote a smug self love which as no outworking in behaviour. Love is not love at all until it is tested by the Other, and no love is worthy of teh name which does not respect and strive for justice" pp 107


" I believe grace is every bit as real and pervasive as gravity, except that the force field of grace draws upward rather than downward" 125


Grace in the context of relationships teaches us of another precious spiritual currency - mercy. Mercy is the voluntary relinquishment of demands, expectations, rights and grievances for the sake of love.pp129


It is never a good idea to set out on a crusade to vanquish evil, either from ourselves or from society at large. By campaigniung against it , we simply draw attention to that which has no life in itself. Far better to make love our goal, and to refine our own love so that it becomes a source of hope asnd healing ina confused world. pp 206


De Botton, A (2004) Status Anxiety. Penguin  

Got me thinking about church and it's status anxiety.


Brown, D (2003) The Da Vinci Code. Corgi  

Great - shame about the granny


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