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Monday, February 21, 2011

Scazzero, P. (2006). Emotionally healthy spirituality: unleash a revolution in your life in Christ. Nashville, TN: Integrity 

Emotional Health is concerned with such things as:
Contemporary spirituality focuses on:

Biblical self-understanding

I hold myself in high regard despite my imperfections and limits
I am worthy to assert my God-given power in the world
Iam entitled to exist
It is good that I exist
I have my own identity from God that is distinct and unique
I am worthy of being valued and paid attention to
I am entitled to joy and pleasure
I am entitled to make mistakes and not be perfect. pp 54

A more mature relationship with God:
Talking at God - parroting
Talking to GOd - finding our own words
Listening to God - two way relationship
Being with God - enjoy being in the presence of God pp 55

In emotional health :
I break free to live in the truth.
I break free by choosing to live the unique life God has given me
I break free by acknowledging my brokenness and vulerability
I break free from the ness to attach myself to accomplishment, things or people's approval
I break free from generational patterns of my family
I break free from the illusion that there is something richer, more beautiful  than the gift of loving and being loved. 59

No one can know God who does not know himself first (Meister Eckhart)



How can you draw close to God when you ate far from your own self? Grant lord that I may know myself so that I may know thee Augustine ad 400




8 Fsmilies of emotions








Shame 69



False self - I am what I do. What I have. What others think. 75ff



Differentiation capacity to define life goals and values apart from the pressures of those around them. 82 ff



Can't distinguish between fact and feeling
Emotionally needy and highly reactive to others
Much life energy for goal directed activities
Can't say I think ... I believe
Little emotional separation from families
Dependent marital relationships
Do poorly in transition,crises and life adjustments
Unable to See where they end and others begin.

Some ability
Most of self is a false self
When anxiety is low they function well
Quick to imitate others and change in order to gain acceptance
Often talk one set of principles yet do another.
Self esteem saws with compliments or is crushed with criticism
Poor decisions under stress
Seek power honour knowledge and love to clothe false self

Aware of teh the thinking and feling functions that work as a team
Reasonable level of 'true self'
Can follow life goals that are determined frm within
Can state beliefs calmly without putting others down
Marriage is a functioning partnership where intimacy can be enjoyed without losing the self
Can allow children to progress through developmental phases into adult autonomy
Function well alone or with others
Able to cope with crises without falling apart
Stay in relational connection with others without insisting they see the world the same.

Is principle orientated and goal directed - secure in who they are, unaffected by criticism or praise.
Is able to leave family of origin and become an inner directed separate adult
Sure of their beliefs but not dogmatic or closed in their thinking
Can hear and evaluate beliefs of others, discarding old beliefs in favour of new ones.
Can listen without reacting and communicate without antagonising others
Can respect others without having to change them
Aware of dependence on others and responsibility for others
Free to enjoy life and play
Ablw to maintain a non-anxious persence in the midst of stress and pressure
Able to take responsibility for their own destiny and life. 83 ff

Dark Night of teh Soul
Journey in three phases: beginners, progressives, and perfect. To move out of the beginning stage , he argued, required the receiving of God's gift of teh dark night. 122

  1. John of teh Cross said that Gos sends us 'the dark night of loving fire to free us:
  2. pride - the tendency to condemn others and become impatient with their faults. They are selective in who can teach them.
  3. Avarice - discontent wit hthe spirituality that GOd gives them. They never have enough learning, are always reading many books rather than growing in poverty of spirit and their interior life
  4. Luxury - they take more pleasure in the spiritual blessings of God thanGod himself.
  5. Wrath - they are easily irritated, lacking the cross and choose pleasures like children do
  6. Spiritual ebvy theyfeel unhappy when others do well spiritually. They are always comparing.
  7. Sloth: they run from that which is hard. Their aim is spiritual sweetness and good felings. 123
 If you understand , it is not God you understand (Augustine) 129

We carry many defensive maneuvers into adulthood to protect ourselves - they block us from growing up spiritually and emotionally.

Part of growing into an emotionally mature Christian is learning how

 Love is 'to reveal the beauty of another person to themselves' (Jean Vanier) 180
Rule of Life

Work/ activity








Thursday, February 10, 2011

Moltmann, J. (2010). Sun of righteousness, arise!: God's future for humanity and the earth. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. 

Book follows three fundamental christian insights

:: god is the god of christ's resurrection
:: god is the righteousness which creates justice and puts things to rights.
:: the traces and signs of god give the world meaning. Pp1

The future of christianity is the church the future of the church is the kingdom of god. Pp 8

God in all things and all things in god is what is meant biblically by the kingdom of god. 32

The hope for the resurrection of the dead is not an answer to the Human yearning for immortality; it is a response to the hunger for righteousness and justice. 41

Chronos lends itself to an eternity that is hard to conceive a timeless life. Kairos lends itself to a concept put forward by boethius that eternity is the unlimited whole simultaneous and perfect possession ( or enjoyment) of life. Concept of eternity is then understood as fullness of life now. 63

The church wS to understand itself as the beginning of the reconciled cosmos, and as an anticipation of the new creation of all things. In this respect it is a microcosm for the macrocosm which is destined to be the place of God's indwelling. 69

Death is not only the end of a mortal life. The destructive powers of death reach deep into personal, social and natural life. ... The powers of death make themselves felt in social life through rejection, isolation and growing loneliness. ... Through exploitation, oppression and alienation the powers of death reach deep into political life. Pp75

Ernst Bloch only the wicked exist through their god but the righteous god exists through them, and in their hands is laid the sanctification of the name, the naming of god himself 107

After God had given himself wholly into the developing world, he had nothing more to give; now the giving back lies with the human being In our hands we literally hold the future of the divine adventure on earth, and we dare not fail him. 108

In this love there comes into being the reciprocal shekinah of god in human beings and of human brings in God. He who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him(1 John 4.16) for god is love. 115

When the victims are raised up and the perpetrators are put right, the purpose is not the great reckoning, with reward and punishment; the intention is to bring about the victory of the creative divine righteousness and justice over everything godless in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth. This victory of the divine righteousness does not lead to the separation of human beings into the saved and damned, or to the end of the world; it's purpose is to lead to god's great day of reconciliation on this earth. 137 ff.

The judgement is not at the service of sin and death, as if it were the great settling of an account. It serves the new creation. The end of the old world-time in the judgement is nothing other than the beginning of the new world-time in the life of the world to come. It was the fault of Christian tradition in picture and concept, in piety and doctrine, to look only at the judgement on the past of this world, and not to perceive through and beyond that judgment, god's new world 138

Why should we take the different belief, disbelief or superstition of other people more seriously than god's mercy on them? 145


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