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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Moltmann, J. (2010). Sun of righteousness, arise!: God's future for humanity and the earth. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. 

Book follows three fundamental christian insights

:: god is the god of christ's resurrection
:: god is the righteousness which creates justice and puts things to rights.
:: the traces and signs of god give the world meaning. Pp1

The future of christianity is the church the future of the church is the kingdom of god. Pp 8

God in all things and all things in god is what is meant biblically by the kingdom of god. 32

The hope for the resurrection of the dead is not an answer to the Human yearning for immortality; it is a response to the hunger for righteousness and justice. 41

Chronos lends itself to an eternity that is hard to conceive a timeless life. Kairos lends itself to a concept put forward by boethius that eternity is the unlimited whole simultaneous and perfect possession ( or enjoyment) of life. Concept of eternity is then understood as fullness of life now. 63

The church wS to understand itself as the beginning of the reconciled cosmos, and as an anticipation of the new creation of all things. In this respect it is a microcosm for the macrocosm which is destined to be the place of God's indwelling. 69

Death is not only the end of a mortal life. The destructive powers of death reach deep into personal, social and natural life. ... The powers of death make themselves felt in social life through rejection, isolation and growing loneliness. ... Through exploitation, oppression and alienation the powers of death reach deep into political life. Pp75

Ernst Bloch only the wicked exist through their god but the righteous god exists through them, and in their hands is laid the sanctification of the name, the naming of god himself 107

After God had given himself wholly into the developing world, he had nothing more to give; now the giving back lies with the human being In our hands we literally hold the future of the divine adventure on earth, and we dare not fail him. 108

In this love there comes into being the reciprocal shekinah of god in human beings and of human brings in God. He who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him(1 John 4.16) for god is love. 115

When the victims are raised up and the perpetrators are put right, the purpose is not the great reckoning, with reward and punishment; the intention is to bring about the victory of the creative divine righteousness and justice over everything godless in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth. This victory of the divine righteousness does not lead to the separation of human beings into the saved and damned, or to the end of the world; it's purpose is to lead to god's great day of reconciliation on this earth. 137 ff.

The judgement is not at the service of sin and death, as if it were the great settling of an account. It serves the new creation. The end of the old world-time in the judgement is nothing other than the beginning of the new world-time in the life of the world to come. It was the fault of Christian tradition in picture and concept, in piety and doctrine, to look only at the judgement on the past of this world, and not to perceive through and beyond that judgment, god's new world 138

Why should we take the different belief, disbelief or superstition of other people more seriously than god's mercy on them? 145

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