Sunday, November 25, 2007
Rolheiser, R. (1998). Seeking Spirituality. London: Hodder & Stoughton Religious. (Twld).
Teilhard de Chardin - used to ask why so many sincere, good persons did not believe in God. His answer was sympathetic, not judgemental. He felt that tey must not have heard of GOd in the correct way.
Ernst Kaseman, what is wrong in the world and in teh churches is that the pious are not liberal and the liberals are not pious. pp34
It is time for both the left and the righyt to admit that they have run out of imagination, the categories of liberal and conservative are dysfunctional, and that what is needed is a radicalism that leads beyond the right and left. That radicalism that can be found in the gospel which is neither liberal nor conservative but fully compassionate. 41 (Jim Wallis)
Jesus was prescribing four things as an essential praxis for a healthy spiritual life:
1) private prayer and private morality;
2) social justice
3) mellowness of heart and spirit
4) community asa constitutive element of true worship 51
In the Christian scriptures, one out of every ten lines deals directly with teh physical poor and the call from God for us to respond to them. Luke that becomes every sixth line, James one in every five. 61
Our task as Christians is to transform the world through love adn justice 64
How we relate to each other is part of how we relate to GOd... 65
What Jesus wants from us is not admiration, but imitation (Soren Kierkegaard) 71
Great Commission - must be understood precisely in an incarnational, not theistic, way. The challenge is not to pass out religious tracts, establish television networks to make Jesus known, or even try to babptise everyone into Christianity. The task is to radiate teh compassion and love of God, as manifest in Jesus, in our faces and our actions. 97
To pray, I think, does not mean to think about God in contrast to thinking about other things, or to spend time with God instead of spending time with other people. Rather, it means to think and live in the prescence of God. All our actiosn must have their oriigin in prayer. Praying is not an isolated activity; it takes place in the midst of all teh things and affairs that keep us active. In prayer a 'self-centred monologue' becomes a 'god centred dialogue'. Nouwen 202
Nouwen - the return of the prodigal son 227
Ernst Kaseman, what is wrong in the world and in teh churches is that the pious are not liberal and the liberals are not pious. pp34
It is time for both the left and the righyt to admit that they have run out of imagination, the categories of liberal and conservative are dysfunctional, and that what is needed is a radicalism that leads beyond the right and left. That radicalism that can be found in the gospel which is neither liberal nor conservative but fully compassionate. 41 (Jim Wallis)
Jesus was prescribing four things as an essential praxis for a healthy spiritual life:
1) private prayer and private morality;
2) social justice
3) mellowness of heart and spirit
4) community asa constitutive element of true worship 51
In the Christian scriptures, one out of every ten lines deals directly with teh physical poor and the call from God for us to respond to them. Luke that becomes every sixth line, James one in every five. 61
Our task as Christians is to transform the world through love adn justice 64
How we relate to each other is part of how we relate to GOd... 65
What Jesus wants from us is not admiration, but imitation (Soren Kierkegaard) 71
Great Commission - must be understood precisely in an incarnational, not theistic, way. The challenge is not to pass out religious tracts, establish television networks to make Jesus known, or even try to babptise everyone into Christianity. The task is to radiate teh compassion and love of God, as manifest in Jesus, in our faces and our actions. 97
To pray, I think, does not mean to think about God in contrast to thinking about other things, or to spend time with God instead of spending time with other people. Rather, it means to think and live in the prescence of God. All our actiosn must have their oriigin in prayer. Praying is not an isolated activity; it takes place in the midst of all teh things and affairs that keep us active. In prayer a 'self-centred monologue' becomes a 'god centred dialogue'. Nouwen 202
Nouwen - the return of the prodigal son 227
Friday, November 23, 2007
Russell, M. (2006). Thread Of Grace. Black Swan (Twld).
Zoroaster - kingdom motif
Attis - blood sacrifice and resurrection