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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Scorgie, G. G. (2007). A Little Guide to Christian Spirituality: Three Dimensions of Life With God. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. 

The arduous work of academic theology was necessary in order to provide a conceptual framework within which ecstatic spirituality could flourish without spinning into subjectivism pp16

Bringing three themes together (relational, transformational, vocational) = authentic Christian spirituality is a spirit enabled relationship with eth triune God that results in openness to others, healing progress toward christlikeness and willing participation in God's purposes in the world.


essential dynamics of spirituality, th e,relational deals with being in healthy relationship to God and others. The second the transformational, examines the sanctifying and healing God's Spirit works in our souls. And the third, the vocational, considers the new life am=nd mission to which we are called.

Relational – Christ with us

Transformational Christ in us

vocational christ through us

To be afraid of hell or purgtory and desirous of life without pain or trouble in heaven is not in itself christian. It is self-interest on a higher level Walter Rauschenbusch 61

the unholy compulsions of our sinful nature never stop making themselves felt in our hearts. Its appetites remain strong. That's why it has to be continually reined in. That's why firm discipline of the self is so important to the christian life 81

burnout is seldom the result of an excessive workload. Rather, it is caused by the loss of a sense of meaning in what we are doing. 112

buechner – the place god calls you is the place where your deep gladnes and the world's deep hunger meet. 127

the christian life is about living in relation to god, being transformed by the impuses of hi divine life, and actively participating in god's purposes in the world. 139

sometimes evangelicals commend spirituality by stressing the credibility and power that godly lives provide for the church's task of witness 157


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