Sunday, May 23, 2010
Brengle, S. L. (2009). Helps to Holiness. London, UK: Createspace
Do you want to know what holiness is?it is pure love. Do you want to know what the baptism of the holy ghost is?it is not mere sentiment. It is not a happy sensation that passes away in a night. It is a baptism of love that brings every thought into captivity to the lord Jesus; that casts out all fear; that burns up doubt and unbelief x ff.
Allowed me to be perplexed and tempted, but it has been for my good.
Holiness is perfect love
State in which there is no anger, malice, blasphemy,hypocrisy, envy, love of ease, selfish desires for good opinion of men, shame of the cross, worldliness, deceit, debate, contention, covetousness, nor any evil desire or tendency in the heart.
It is a state in which god is loved and trusted with a perfect heart.
But though the heart may be perfect, the head may be very imperfect, and through the imperfections of his Head - Of his memory, his judgement, his reason the holy man may make mistakes. Yet god looks at the sincerity of his purpose, at the love and faith of his heart - not at the imperfections of the head - and calls him a holy man.
Holiness is nor absolute perfection, which belongs to god only;
It is that state of heart and life which consists in being and doing all the time not by fits and starts but steadily just what god wants us to became do. Pp 2.
Perfect consecration - consists in a perfect putting off of your own will, your disposition, temper, desires, likes and dislikes , and a perfect putting on of christs will, christ's disposition, temper, desires, likes and dislikes. In short perfect consecration is a putting off self and a putting on cjrist; a giving up of your will in all things and receiving the will of Jesus instead.
1tim 1
Secret power. Wait on the lord that is sf
When god searches for a man to work in his vineyard he does not ask ' has he great natural abilities ? Is he thoroughly educated? Is he a fine singer? Is he eloquent in prayer? Can he talk much ?'
But rather he asks, ' is his heart perfect toward me? Is he holy? Does he love much? Is he willing to walk by faith and not by sight? 45 ff
Important difference between the grace of faith and the gift of faith.
The grace of faith is that which is given to every man to work with and by which he can come to god. The gift of faith is that which is bestowed upon us by the holy spirit.
The man who is exercising the grace of faith says I believe god will bless me and hecseeks god with his whole heart this helps to grasp hold of the gift of faith. 61
The faith that saves, is the faith that brinngs the life and power of GOd into the soul - a faith taht makes the proud man humble, the impatient man patient, the haughty man lowly in heart, the stingy man man open-handed and liberal, the lustful man clean and chaste, the fighting, quarrelsome man meek and gentle, the liar truthful, the thief honest, the light and foolish sober and grave, a faith that purifies teh heart and sets teh Lord always before the eyes, and fills the soul with humble, holy, patient love toward God and man. 87 ff
This is life eternal, that they might know thee teh only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent Jo 17:3 90
Birds of Prey Genesis 15
The way to overcome is to will to steadfastly believe and agree with God.112
That is holiness to escape from the corruption of our evil hearts and recieve the divine nature 120
disciples waited in Jerusalem - ' forgot their jealousies and selfish ambitions and childish diferences, until they were exhausted of all self-love and self goodness and self trust, and their hearts were as the heart of one man abd they had but one desire and that a mighty, consuming hunger for God. 126
Before finding God in teh fullness of HIs love and favour, hinderances must be removed, 'weights' and 'easily-besetting sins' must be laid aside, and self smitten in the citadel of its ambitions and hopes. 137
Here I saw the enenemy of the Lord - self. There stood the idol of my soul - the passionate, consuming desire for glry - 138
Brengle writes: ‘Understood as union with Christ, entire sanctification equips the believer for effective service…Christian perfection is not absolute, angelic, or Adamic perfection. Rather, it is relative to the natural limitations of fallen humanity.’ (Sanctified Sanity 157)
Brengle writes: ‘Sanctification has meant complete abandonment to the will of God, but not in such a way that my will has become passive in its functioning. It has had to be, and has been, active, firm, assertive in purpose to be the Lord’s. I have not been allowed to sit in passive rapture singing myself away to everlasting bliss. God and man must cooperate, work together, both in the reception and continuance of the blessing.’
Allowed me to be perplexed and tempted, but it has been for my good.
Holiness is perfect love
State in which there is no anger, malice, blasphemy,hypocrisy, envy, love of ease, selfish desires for good opinion of men, shame of the cross, worldliness, deceit, debate, contention, covetousness, nor any evil desire or tendency in the heart.
It is a state in which god is loved and trusted with a perfect heart.
But though the heart may be perfect, the head may be very imperfect, and through the imperfections of his Head - Of his memory, his judgement, his reason the holy man may make mistakes. Yet god looks at the sincerity of his purpose, at the love and faith of his heart - not at the imperfections of the head - and calls him a holy man.
Holiness is nor absolute perfection, which belongs to god only;
It is that state of heart and life which consists in being and doing all the time not by fits and starts but steadily just what god wants us to became do. Pp 2.
Perfect consecration - consists in a perfect putting off of your own will, your disposition, temper, desires, likes and dislikes , and a perfect putting on of christs will, christ's disposition, temper, desires, likes and dislikes. In short perfect consecration is a putting off self and a putting on cjrist; a giving up of your will in all things and receiving the will of Jesus instead.
1tim 1
Secret power. Wait on the lord that is sf
When god searches for a man to work in his vineyard he does not ask ' has he great natural abilities ? Is he thoroughly educated? Is he a fine singer? Is he eloquent in prayer? Can he talk much ?'
But rather he asks, ' is his heart perfect toward me? Is he holy? Does he love much? Is he willing to walk by faith and not by sight? 45 ff
Important difference between the grace of faith and the gift of faith.
The grace of faith is that which is given to every man to work with and by which he can come to god. The gift of faith is that which is bestowed upon us by the holy spirit.
The man who is exercising the grace of faith says I believe god will bless me and hecseeks god with his whole heart this helps to grasp hold of the gift of faith. 61
The faith that saves, is the faith that brinngs the life and power of GOd into the soul - a faith taht makes the proud man humble, the impatient man patient, the haughty man lowly in heart, the stingy man man open-handed and liberal, the lustful man clean and chaste, the fighting, quarrelsome man meek and gentle, the liar truthful, the thief honest, the light and foolish sober and grave, a faith that purifies teh heart and sets teh Lord always before the eyes, and fills the soul with humble, holy, patient love toward God and man. 87 ff
This is life eternal, that they might know thee teh only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent Jo 17:3 90
Birds of Prey Genesis 15
The way to overcome is to will to steadfastly believe and agree with God.112
That is holiness to escape from the corruption of our evil hearts and recieve the divine nature 120
disciples waited in Jerusalem - ' forgot their jealousies and selfish ambitions and childish diferences, until they were exhausted of all self-love and self goodness and self trust, and their hearts were as the heart of one man abd they had but one desire and that a mighty, consuming hunger for God. 126
Before finding God in teh fullness of HIs love and favour, hinderances must be removed, 'weights' and 'easily-besetting sins' must be laid aside, and self smitten in the citadel of its ambitions and hopes. 137
Here I saw the enenemy of the Lord - self. There stood the idol of my soul - the passionate, consuming desire for glry - 138
Brengle writes: ‘Understood as union with Christ, entire sanctification equips the believer for effective service…Christian perfection is not absolute, angelic, or Adamic perfection. Rather, it is relative to the natural limitations of fallen humanity.’ (Sanctified Sanity 157)
Brengle writes: ‘Sanctification has meant complete abandonment to the will of God, but not in such a way that my will has become passive in its functioning. It has had to be, and has been, active, firm, assertive in purpose to be the Lord’s. I have not been allowed to sit in passive rapture singing myself away to everlasting bliss. God and man must cooperate, work together, both in the reception and continuance of the blessing.’
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Smith, J. B. (2009). The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love With the God Jesus Knows (The Apprentice Series). IVP
learn choose the right narratives about God: Is this understanding of God consistent with God that the Jesus revealed? 40
1 john 4:10-11 - not wanting a improved moral behaviour but to love God. 87
It is not a question of God 'sending' us to Hell. In each of us there is something growing up which will of itself hell unless it is nipped in the bud. The matter is serious:let us put ourselves in His hands at once - this very day, this hour." (CS Lewis 125)
"The spiritual life is not a life of laws and precepts but a life of participation, affection and love, a life mingled and mixing with God"
John of Kronstadt
"This is beneath your dignity. You were meant to house the fullness of God"
1 john 4:10-11 - not wanting a improved moral behaviour but to love God. 87
It is not a question of God 'sending' us to Hell. In each of us there is something growing up which will of itself hell unless it is nipped in the bud. The matter is serious:let us put ourselves in His hands at once - this very day, this hour." (CS Lewis 125)
"The spiritual life is not a life of laws and precepts but a life of participation, affection and love, a life mingled and mixing with God"
John of Kronstadt
"This is beneath your dignity. You were meant to house the fullness of God"
Monday, May 03, 2010
Cameron, H. (2010). Resourcing Mission. London: Scm Press
Pastoral cycle is a process for thinkig theologically, parallels Kolb
Experience - what is happening
Exploration - wht is it happening
Reflection - how do we evaluate our experience in dialogue with the bible and Christia tradition?
Planning - how will we respond? pp9
helpful in taht although teh theological essence of the church is mission, it is not always easy for churches to articulate their understanding of their role in God's mission. pp17
Looking at what subverts the gospel in our actions as church and what it is that subverts culture? 150
Experience - what is happening
Exploration - wht is it happening
Reflection - how do we evaluate our experience in dialogue with the bible and Christia tradition?
Planning - how will we respond? pp9
helpful in taht although teh theological essence of the church is mission, it is not always easy for churches to articulate their understanding of their role in God's mission. pp17
Looking at what subverts the gospel in our actions as church and what it is that subverts culture? 150