Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Aisthorpe, S. (2020) Rewilding the Church
Reflecting on the revolutionary nature of Jesus' call to all who will follow. Brian McLaren writes, "The uprising begins not with a strategy but with a new identity. So he spurs his hearers into reflection about who they are..." pp27
When we realise that something major is wrong, it takes great courage to stop. Mostly we do more an d work harder, knuckle down and intensify, but sometimes it is time to stop. pp73
A humble self-knowledge is a surer way to God than a serach after deep learning' Thomas a Kempis
There is no deep knowing of God without deep knowing of self Calvin
to discover myself in discovering God Merton p79
For simplicity oin this side of complexity I would not give you a fig, but for simplicity on the other side of complexity, for that I would give you anything I have' Oliver Wendell Holmes
Francis Psychological Types Scales / New Indices of Religious Orientation p115
Koinonia - radical participation, intimate communion and deep sharing 137
What one aspect of congreational life do you most appreciate? 141
The phrase anam cara is an anglicisation of the Irish word anmchara and literally means 'soul friend'
Rowan Williams however church is expressed, at a basic level it comprises people who recognise one another as 'gifts'.
I felt thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread - Bilbo Baggins161
Renewal comes from the margin, and rarely from the centre' Prof Stefan Paas 196
The attempted resuscitation of dying congregations is a tragic diversion and not to be confused with resurrection of the Church p202