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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Ringma, C (1994) Catch the Wind. Regent College 

Some of the most basic questions are: “How can we move the church from its preoccupation with institutional to people concerns? How can we empower people to take responsibility for their tasks in such a church and in the world? Pp17

On new plants and church exprewssion “often the real reasons are not the stated reason. The stated reasons are cast in very pious language. The real reasons may be socilogical pp 50

Gustavo Gutierrez - faith can not be lived on the private plane of an interior spirituality. Faith, instead, creates community abd such community must express itself in solidarity with the interests and struggles of the poor. Pp 85

Danger of church having little to do with people’s genuine aspirations for serving their neighbour and seeking to transform the world. Pp 88

Church should rebuild itselff from a position of weakness not one of imagined strength. It needs to see itself as the ‘little flock’ in a pluralistic world. It should shape its existence on the kingdom values of the NT . pp 91

[Kraybill, D (1978) The upside down kingdom. Herald]

Being the people of God, being community, being in solidarity is not some strange afterthought on the part of God. God is a community of persons as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and, as such, God is the great community-builder. God’s concern has been to create a people who will reflect in the world something of God’s love, care and justice (pp 151)

[Hanson P.D, ( 1986) The people called: The growth of community in the bible, Harper and Row]

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