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Friday, December 30, 2005

Kimball, D. (2003) The Emerging Church Vintage Christianity for New Generations 

How should we measure success in the emerging church? By looking at what our practices produce in the called people of God as they are sent out on a mission to Live as light and salt in their communities (Matt. 5:13-16). By seeing if people in our church take sociaI justice and caring for the needy seriously as part of the mission Jesus did. We must measure success by looking for the same characteristics that the Spirit of God commended in the emerging missional Thessalonian church of the first century: "And so you became a mode[ to all believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord's message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia-your faith in God has become known everywhere.... They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead" (1 Thess. 1:7-10). Pp15

Modern Church Emerging Church

Evangelism is an event that you invite people to.
Evangelism is a process that occurs through relationship, trust, and example.

Evangelism is primarily concerned with getting people into heaven
Evangelism is concerned with people's experiencing the reality of living under the reign of his kingdom now.

Evangelism is focused on pre-Christians.
Evangelism is focused on post-Christians.

Evangelism is done by evangelists.
Evangelism is done by disciples.

Evangelism is something you do in addition to discipleship.
Evangelism is part of being a disciple.

Evangelism is a message.
Evangelism is a conversation.

So what does evangeLism Look Like in the emerging church? Ch 18 (p/c)

George Hunter, in his book The Celtic Way of Evangelism, has his finger on the pulse of what is happening in the emerging world of evangelism

the Roman model for reaching people (who are 'civilized' enough) is: (1) Present the Christian message; (2) Invite them to decide to believe in Christ and become Christians; (3) If they decide positively, welcome them into the church and its fellowship.

contrasting Celtic model for reaching people:

1. You first establish community with people or bring them into the fellowship of your community of faith. 2. Within fellowship, you engage in conversation, ministry, prayer, and worship. 3. In time, as they discover what you believe, you invite them to commit.


Post Christians “Thanks but no thanks….!” 200

“whenever I meet a Buddhist leader, I meet a holy man. Whenever I meet a Christian leader I meet a manager” Os Guiness pp 238

I know that in modern culture these terms may resonate with those who are used to hearing them in the business world, so hearing them in a church context may be refreshing and make sense. But for generations who are skeptical of the idea of the church as a business, we need to rethink this. Think of titles like senior pastor. Did Jesus have a senior discip[e? A senior fisher of men? What signals do titles like these send to people in emerging generations?

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