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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Warren, R (1995) Building Missionary Congregations. Zondervan 

One of the fascinating things about the New Testament epistles is the lack of emphasis on evangelism. Every now and again a phrase or sentence points in that direction, yet it does not seem to be a major thrust. What undoubtedly is central is the outworking of the faith in personal behaviour and in the life of the community of faith. Building the faith community seems to be central to what the writers of the epistles saw as the work of evangelism. This certainly seemed to be how the apostle Paul saw being church as the way of doing mission:

The Lord's message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia -yourfaith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it ... 1 Thessalonians 1:8


A missionary church will have its focus continually on a whole-life approach, weeping with those who weep, lamenting - as did Jesus - over those who see no need to weep, and rejoicing with those who rejoice. It is a church that sees the engagements of its members in the wholeness of human existence as the focus of its mission and the direction of its resources. It will worry more about, and work more for, the doctor or mother functioning in those roles, than about tasks they may have within the church. pp45

The marks of a missionary congregation

The following is a list of the marks of a missionary congregation. However, it is important to note that this is based largely on theoretical work. Another list needs urgently to be constructed out of observation of what actually happens on the ground. The two need then to be in dialogue. Either list has the potential to 'convert' the other list; both stand to gain and be enriched.

1. Celebration. This is taken in its widest sense and refers to th e ability and desire to enjoy life and the gifts that God has given, and to participate in celebrating the new humanity modelled for us in Christ, opened up to humanity by his death and resurrection.

2. Whole life Christianity. Expressing faith in God in the whole of life. The focus of church life would shift from 'church organisations', to daily life - to the home, work place, and community life. The emphasis would be on personal growth, relational growth, and obedience to God 'in the market place' - with all its ambiguities. The church needs what has been called a 'hippopotamus spirituality - a spirituality suitable for surviving in the mud!'

3. Simplicity. Both in lifestyle ('enough is enough'), and in church structure. The institutional aspect will need to be significantly trimmed, as the church's life becomes outer-directed. Familiar landmarks will go. There will be no room for resources without vigorous pruning.

4. Community. Only a community living by a different set of values has the strength to witness prophetically to modern society. It cannot be done by lone rangers. Such 'community' involves building loving, honest relationships which stand out against the 'fragmented relatedness' of consumer culture.

5. Empowering. A missionary congregation is one that has broken out of the provider/client relationship into collaborative ministry and equipping individuals to make their contribution.

6. Doing things differently. The pastoral and maintenance church tends to be marked by doing different things (church groups and activities). A missionary church will be marked more by doing the ordinary things (work, leisure, family life) differently.

7. Engaged. A missionary church will be strongly engaged in the local community, and deliberately working with 'all people of good will' (see Raymond Fung, The Isaiah Vision).

8. Distinctive. Such a church multiplies the number of points of contact with the surrounding culture as its members live Christianly. This happens as effective initiation evangelises the whole person, including their world view, value system, personal identity, and lifestyle.

9. Dimensional. Enlightenment Christianity functions in separate compartments, spirituality and mission rarely connect. A missionary (and ,post-modern') congregation thinks of the depths of whole-life issues, and of the spiritual dimension within every issue.

10. Still. A missionary church will be an oasis of peace and quiet, in a frantic world, able not to be driven by doing but reflecting on experience before moving on.


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