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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Post Secular Caritas... Cloke 

Post Secular Caritas... Cloke

Looks at the reasons for community enagagement- using Romand Coles politics of generosity that looks at Christian Caritas, Secular humanism and post-secular charity.

On the distinctiveness of Secular humanism - narrtitives here steer clear of the CHristian precept of 'loving', perhaps because the concept of love is counter-cultural to the phenomenological nature of humanist outreach...

A common critique of charitable christian orgaisations such as TSA is that they represent institutions of oppressive social control. Staffed by supposedly zealous proselytizers and used as a last resort, TSA caritas can be presented as a giving which is totally self-identical, and blind to the alterity of its receivers. Such a stereotyping often reflects the historical circumstances of TSA which has in many ways reinvented itself in response to such critiques.

Post secular caritas - goes beyong christian caritas and secular humanism in that the giving of charity doesn't originate from self and there for doesn't discriminate against the giver. The arguemnet being that both CC and SH is encased within rational subjectivity and non-reciprocal alterity. Formed by wanting a response. Grace negates that - free gift whatever!

That should be CC but not preceived.

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