Saturday, March 03, 2007
Durback, R(1997)Seeds of Hope: a Henri Nouwen Reader
The great illusion of leadership is to think taht others can be led out of teh desert by someone who has never been there pp 55
Aberration of understanding = scotosis which means darkness, the resultant blindspot - scotoma. Scotosis means long and fierce discussions about justice and equality while we hate our teacher or ignore the needs of our fellow students. ... Sotosis means an aberation which prevents the emergence into conciousness of perspectives taht would give rise to unwanted insights. Lonergans
It is indeed startling to discover how we keep ourselves free from thoes unwanted insights. pp 58
Mk 14:10 / Ro 8:32 same word for handed over given to God and Judas. Ironically translated as betrayed. pp139
"Where is the glory of God? If teh glory of God is not there where I am, where else can it be?" 149
"I have come to know better than before that praying is being with Jesus and simply wasting time with Him..." 196
Aberration of understanding = scotosis which means darkness, the resultant blindspot - scotoma. Scotosis means long and fierce discussions about justice and equality while we hate our teacher or ignore the needs of our fellow students. ... Sotosis means an aberation which prevents the emergence into conciousness of perspectives taht would give rise to unwanted insights. Lonergans
It is indeed startling to discover how we keep ourselves free from thoes unwanted insights. pp 58
Mk 14:10 / Ro 8:32 same word for handed over given to God and Judas. Ironically translated as betrayed. pp139
"Where is the glory of God? If teh glory of God is not there where I am, where else can it be?" 149
"I have come to know better than before that praying is being with Jesus and simply wasting time with Him..." 196
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