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Friday, April 27, 2007

Campbell, D.M (1992) Theological Educationb and Moral Formation: What's Going on in Seminaries Today? 

in R. J (ed) Neushaus Theological Education and Moral Formation. Eerdmans

Questions of character, virtue and morality may not be the most important quesions in the christian life .... but all agree taht an important part of the newness of teh new man and new woman in Christ is the new kind of people we are called to be... pp2

A consistent theme in th eNT and in the Christian tardition is the distinctioveness of life in Christ.... Theological education for ordained ministry therefore requires consideration of the particularity of Christian coimmitment and identity. 5 aspects


Greer, R. A ( 19920 Who seeks for a spring in the Mud? Reflections on the ordained ministry in the 4c

According to Chrysostom, the reason taht wrong people become priests is that those responsible for the appointment "do not all look to one thing, which ought to be the only object kept in view, the excellence of the character..." (on the priesthood pp53)

Ratio fundamentalis, reduction of Optatam totius in Norms for Priestly Formation pp 15-60

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