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Friday, August 31, 2007

Holistic Mission and Ministry : The whole gospel to the whole person 

Lester T. Ferguson

"There is no biblical dichotomy between the Word spoken and the Word made fleh in the lives of God's people. Men will look as they listen and what they see must be at one with what they hear. The Christian community must chatter, discuss and proclaim the gospel; it must express the gospel in its life as teh new society, in its sacrificial service of others as a genuine expression of God's love, in its prophetic exposing and opposing of all demonic forces taht deny the Lordship of Christ and keep men less than human; inits pursuit of real justice for all men; in its responsible and caring trusteeship of God's creation and its resources.

Holistic Mission. Occasional paper no. 33 lausanne committee for wortld evangelisation. Thailand 2004


Biblically, holistic mission is inclusive, intentional and incarnational, and just as Christ became the inclusive, intentionmal, incarnate God to teh world, so the church becoames teh inclusive, intentional, incarnate agent of God to teh world through holistioc mission and ministry. (Lester T. Ferguson)

Salvation for both worlds

"Experience had shaped his theology in such a way that he now conceieved of hell not only as a place of endless punishment for the wicked, of which alienation from God in this life was a sign, but he now wrote of the outward hell of 'poverty, drunkeness, debaucheryu, crime, slavery, war and every other from of outward misery' Green

Creed and deed p. 63

'I had two gospels of deliverence to preach - one for each world, or rather, one gospel which applied alike to both'W Booth - Salvation for both worlds

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