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Friday, August 29, 2008

Hiebert P.G. (2000) Spiritual Warfare and Worldview in ERT 24:3 pp 240-241 

THree worldviews

1 Modern Supernatural/natural dualism

Modern secular people there is no spiritual warfare.

"Some Christains accept this denial of spiritual realities, and demytholize the scriptures to majke it fit modern secular scientofic beliefs. Angels demons, miracles and other supernatural realitioes are explained away in scientific terms. The battle, they clain is between good and evil in human social systems. The church is called to fight against poverty, injustice, oppression, and other evils which are due to oppressive, exploitative human systems of government, business and religion."

2 Tribal

Some Christains interpret the biblical data on spiritual warfare, using the traditional tribal themes of territory and power encounter. Satan is viewd as having authority over the earth, an authority he exercises through delegation to his demonic hierachy - this view of territorial spirits has little biblical justification.

3 Cosmic Dualism

Found in Zoroastrianism, Manicheism and Hinduism - Mighty gods battle for control of teh universe: one seeking to establish a kingdom of righteous ness and order, and the other an evil empire.

Central to this worldview is the myth of redemptive violence. Order can be established only when one side defeats teh other in spiritual warfare.

Every week Bluto grabs Olive Oil. Ever week Popeye tries to resuce her. Every week Bluto beats up Popeye. Every week Popeye gets his spinnach and defeats Bluto. Bluto never learns to leave Olive Oil alone. Popeye never learns to take his spinnach before he attacks Bluto.

Many current Christian interpreations of spiritual warfare are based on an Indo Euro worldview which sees it as a cosmic battle between God and his angels and Satan andhis demons for the controal of people and lands. The battle is fought in the heavenlies, but it ranges over sky amd earth. The centralk question is one of power - can God defeat Satan? Because the outcome is in doubt, intense prayer is necessary to enable God and his angels to gain victory over the demonic powers. Human are victims of this struggle.

The question ois, what is the nature of this battle in biblical terms? One this is clear, the biblical images of spiritual warfare are radically diferent from those in the materialistic, dualistic, animistic and Indo-European myths.

It is not about power

"It is teh establishment of God's reign on earth as it is in heaven. It is for human hearts and Godly societies. God in his mercy is inviting sinners to repent and turn to him.

2 Parables prodigal son; rebellious vassals (mt 21:33ff)

Weapons - satan blindsthe minds of humans to the truth through lies and deception; tempts them with teh pleasures of sin by appealling to their old nature. He intimidates them with fear; accuses them of their sins; invites them to worship themselves as God

God uses wepons of truth to enlighten teh mind, righteousness, peace and shalom. God invites all into the kingdom of God in which Christ reigns in perfect love and justice

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