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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Yancey, P. (2006). Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. 

When I listened to public prayers in evangelical churches, I heard people telling god what to do , combined with thinly veiled hints on how others should behave. When I listened to prayers in more liberal churches , I heard calls to action, as if prayer were something to get past so we can do the real work of god's kingdom. Pp 6

Alexander schmemann - paris underground fiancée - old And ugly woman got on- commented. I wasn't always ugly- angel of god pp 16

I spend time with my closest friends not because of what they can do for me but the pleasure of their company. How can I do that with god?
Pp 39

If god can influence the course of events, then a god who is willing to cure colds and provide parking spaces but is not willing to prevent Auschwitz and Hiroshima is morally repugnant. Pp65

Ways clung to prayer as to a lifeline, for it gave him both the guidance and the energy to know and do the father's will. 70

Jesus praying for guidance in choosing disciples - result of night of prayer interesting. 71

Stages of prayer - progression of maturity
1. Simple childlike request for something I desire.
2. Keeping company with god - I want to pray for what god wants.
3. Submission 98

Bonhoeffer grasped the nature of prayer as partnership with god's activity on earth -we cannot simply pray and then wait for god to do the rest. At the same time bonhoeffer cautioned against an activism that opposed the forces of evil without drawing on the power of prayer. 116

I envy truly envy those people who pray In Simple faith without fretting about how prayer works And how god governs this planet. 128

The act of prsyer brings together creator and creature, eternity And time , in all the fathomless mystery implied by that convergence. I can view prayer as a way of asking a timeless god to intervene more directly in our time bound life on earth. ... In a process I am only learning I can also view prayer from the other side, as a way of entering into the rhythms of eternity and aligning myself with god's 'view from above', a way to harmonise my own desires with god's and then to help effect while on earth what god has willed for all eternity. 130

Prayer does not change god , but it changes him who prays - Kierkegaard- 142

A person prays taut he himself may be constructed, not that god may be instructed. Augustine 145

I have sometimes found that I get an answer to my persistent request after I have learned to do without it. The answer then comes as a surprise, an unexpected gift of grace. I seek the gift, find instead the giver, and eventually come away with the gift I no longer seek. 145

You beg. You whimper. You load god down with empty praise. You tell him sins that he already knows full well. You seek to change his chngeless will ... And sometimes by god's grace a prayer is heard. Frederich buechner

When we try to dictate to god the time, place, and manner for him to act, we are testing him. At the same time , we're trying to see if he is really there. Doing that is putting limits on god and trying to make him do what we want. It's nothing less than trying to deprive gOd of his divinity. But we must realise that god is free - not subject to any limitations. He must dictate to us the place, manner and time. Martin Luther 202

Some of gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers gareth brooks 221

Teach me o god , so to use all the circumstances of my life today that they may bring forth in me the fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin.
Let me use disappointment as material for patience
Let mecuse success as material for thankfulness.
Let me use trouble as material for perseverance
Let mecuse danger as material for courage
Let me use reproach as material for lingsuffering
Let me use praise as material for humility
Let me use pleasures as material for temperance
Lat me use pain as material for endurance. John baille 233

The church is the body of Christ and as such it does god's work. As ronald rolheiser expresses it 'a theist believes in a god in heaven whereas a Christian believes who is also physically present on this earth inside of human beings ... God is still present and as real today as god was in the historical jesus. God still has skin, human skin, and physically walks on this earth just as Jesus did. 235

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