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Monday, December 21, 2009

Zuercher, S. (2000). Enneagram Companions: Growing in Relationships and Spiritual Direction 

Traits to look out for…

The Helper
The Motivator
The Individualist

evidenced by finding it hard to keep from activity of one kind or another
often want to respond before someone is finished speaking, fill the pause
jump to conclusions
inappropriate self disclosure in order to connect
a need to make things happen rather than leaving responsibility to others
Caught in interior analysis of what is being communicated, often misjudge and not hear what is being said.
Reaction often seen as being inappropriate and ill-timed
Impression of hardness, coldness, manipulation and invasion, superficiality and inattention.
Caught in comparison
Look for affirmation
Either feel good about themselves or become paralysed by their inefficiency.
Tend to need to ask how am I doing?
Desire that people be helped to feel good about themselves
Affirming and complimentary remarks – good intentions can backfire.
Refuse peoples ownership of their feelings - telling them what they feel.
Compulsion to establish and maintain contact with other people
Inappropriate sharing of own history, acquaintances , problems.
Exhausted by trying to forge stronger bonds with everyone
Emotionally unavailable, worn out, tired, distracted.
Poor listening
Loss of spontaneity to goal orientation
Absorbed in their roles and descriptions of how they should function
Measure themselves on agenda accomplished objectives reached
Often suspect something is wrong – need assurance and appreciation
Seriously question their role
Fail to see the multi-response of care which can include confrontation, leaving people alone untouched, companionship.
Take care of people to create dependence
Seducing needy people
Seduced by lazy people
Manipulate others
Such dynamics lead to disturbed and conflictual relationships
Possessive over relationships
Criticism over those they are responsible for amounts to criticism of themselves.
Can become fierce champions of any charges, using how well the director knows them; privy to information; alluding to a depth of relationship.
Need to face up problems of manipulation and move beyond them.
Able to enter into another person’s world to look out from his or her stance is a major contribution
Appreciation of every person’s uniqueness.
Predisposed to listen for nuance
Helpful in grounding experiences fro people not so inclined

Prone to comparison and competition, they tend to examine their own dynamics alongside those of people in other spaces.

The investigator
The Loyalist
The Enthusiast

Gift of 5/6/7 directors as well as their weakness lies in their tendency to approach life perceptually.
People feel like objects rather than companioned
Inclined to create too much distance
Instinctively observe rather than interact
Uninvolved – may fail to challenge and relate sufficiently to those they direct.
Need to feel listened to
Appreciative of respect for their ideas and life experience
May appear distant in that they relate around the ideas and data rather than persons.
Appear more bothered about objective information than personal struggles and emotions.
Seem to categorise people!
Draw anger from 8/9/1’s for being boxed
Draw anxiety from 2/3/4’s as they are unnerved
Need to react with genuine emotion so that not come across analytical
Can help people be aware of expression, posture and behaviour
Important to share hunches and intuitions – although tend to with hold
Approach can be distracting as people try to work out what analysis is going on.
Can seem distant as they relate to ideas, issues and data rather than persons.
Find it hard to move with other ideas than their own and to accept opinion and assessment that differ from their own.
Grow in their own ability to be loyal and committed
Fidelity and confidentiality can be relied upon
Hold onto previously communicated information.
From being quiet and somewhat distant observers, they move to become willing, helpful resource persons.
Relentless search for more information for deeper insight.
Share relevant experiences.
Come to know their own lack and limitation, gift and contribution.
Always looking to know more , to be wise and understanding.
The Challenger
The Peacemaker
The Reformer

sometimes respond blindly from their instincts
when conscious of compulsions they often want to fight against and wipe out negative tendencies
Sometimes hold back their unique gifts
Pride themselves on wanting and working for justice and equality.
Assure a fair situation for others
Black and white judgements
Prejudgement of situations
Good instincts, accurate gut responses to people and situations.
Need to be careful with assumptions and conclusions.
Need to share perceptions.
Need to be open to the possibility of being completely or partially wrong.
Need to asses own feelings and impact on judgement.
Theirs will never be that kind of emotionless perception.
Capable of overwhelming others with strength of response
Project strong aggression which leads to perception of picking fights when not there.
Aggression can lead to harness towards others where expectations are high.
“I’m saying this because it’s what I’d want somebody to say to me…”
Harshness comes from a pride in their courage to face hard truths.
When tempered with compassion they can become masters of free and natural confrontation.
May be intimidating, assertive.
Create atmosphere of struggle
Will not be manipulated
People feel that their resistance is being is being broken down
Champion of the underdog
Encourage others to assume responsibility.
Rock like
Support comes in the form of challenge.
Images and symbols are helpful, frequently use this approach to help others.

Personality Type
Related Animal
Care Giver
basset hound
Team Player

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