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Saturday, March 06, 2010

Willard, D(2010). Personal Religion, Public Reality?: Towards a Knowledge of Faith 

trivialisation of faith apart from from knowledge and with the diastrous effects of a repositioning of faith in Jesus Christ, and of life as his students, outside the category of knowledge. pp1

One result of the displacemnt of faith from knowledge is that many people now believe you do not need to think deeply abd carefully to flollow Christ. pp12

NT defines or sdescribes eternal life as knowledge. Jesus speaks of teh eternal kind of life he brings to his people 'and this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent' Jo 177:3, 1 jo 1:1-5 4:7-8, 13 pp23

mere belief and commitment, though they have their unique places, cannot be substituted for knowledge, but actuallt depend upon it in crucial ways. to live by faith does not mena that they live by blind and irresponsible leaps in total absence, or even defiance, of knowledge. 41

worlview questions -what is it to real, who is well-off (blessed), who is a really good person? how does one become a genuinely good person? 61

progression towards knowledge, in real life, is always rather messy 69

root of failure... is unwillingness to submit human desire, especially as indicated by love.. 104

the readiness to sacrifice ia a presupposition of ethical living, of being a good pertson... you can not suceed in being ethical in act or character unless you have abandoned having your way, fulfilling your own desires as the rule of your life. modeled by JC 105

Amoug teh many misunderstandings Jesus had to counteract in his taeching was teh one that held the kingdom to be some gigantic event in some special place. This was human thinking about human kingdoms, which always fit that description.

not new deut 30:9-14 pp 178

Chriatain higher education from 238

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