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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hirsch, A., & Hirsch, D. (2010). Untamed: reactivating a missional form of discipleship. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books. 

More is at stake in discipleship than our own personal salvation. The gospel cannot be limited to being about my personal healing and wholeness, but rather extends in an through my salvation to the salvation of the world. 24

What is it about the holiness of Jesus that caused sinners to flick to him like a magnet ands yet managed to seriously antagonise the religious people? Why does our more churchy form of holiness seem to get it the other way around - to comfort the religious and antagonise the sinners? 45

The holiness of jc it seems is a redemptive , missional world embracing holiness that does not separate itself from the world , but rather liberates it 46

If your conception of god is radically false, then the more devout you are, the worse it will be for you. You are opening your soul to be molded by something else. You had better be an atheist. (William Temple) 58

Religion can open us to new possibilities of both good and evil. From that point on the road branches: one way leads to sanctity, humility, the other to spiritual pride, self righteousness, and persecuting zeal. There is simply no way back to the mere humdrum virtues of the unawakened soul. If the Divine does not make us better, it will make us very much worse. Of all the bad men, religious bad men are the worst. CS lewis. 60

M scott peck people of the lie. Evil is a form of pathological narcissism that imbibes people and uses things, including theology, to draw people into it's orbit 61

Three areas of focus: right feeling, right acting and right thinking

Yada - to truly know something, one cannot not merely observe it but must come into contact with it. There must be mutuality and personal involvement. We come to know ultimate reality, not by theological ideas about it, even though these are valid an necessary, but by union with it - by the establishing of a personal relationship between god and man" Leanne payne

To know god in this way our hearts must be engaged - not only source of emotions but also our will, loyalty and commitment - source of our capacity to love ( being)

(doing) true knowledge expressed in practice or action. Real test of what you know is how you live your faith

Knowing - intellectual laziness is not an option for disciples. He requires we love him with our minds. Dangerous cop out to just 'feel' god in worship and prayer it is necessary but not sufficient for fully fledged shema spirituality. Same true for simple obedience dead end of dry activism or legalism.

To be mature disciples we need to engage with knowing and loving on all three levels minds hearts and actions pp 64 ff

Shema spirituality or Jesus creed mark 12 29-31 62

James payton reminds us to look at salvation as theosis, the process of increasingly becoming 'partakers of the divine nature' 2 Peter 1:4, rather than as a once off ' get yourself out of hell free card' genesis 1 :26 eastern orthodox 199 ff

The idea of svation as theosis though not fully understood in evangelical circles was something that strongly influenced John Wesley s view of sanctification. 200

Orthodoxy emphasises the final result, the glorification by which we are made like Christ: holy, righteous, perfect in godliness, and enjoying the fullness of eternal life. And in this I believe orthodox believers have something that can better balance how we preach and teach about salvation. CS Lewis mere christianity 174 ff 201

Salvation isn't simply about changing behaviour ; it is about growing more and more I to God himself and bringing that reality to bear on all humanity 201

Incarnational discipleship practices six p's
Presence proximity powerless prevenience proclamation and passion 235


Monday, July 04, 2011

McLaren, B. D. (2010). A new kind of Christianity: ten questions that are transforming the faith. New York: HarperOne 

It becomes clear that the bible if it is truly inspired by god, wasn't meant to end conversation and give the final word on controversies. If it were it's purpose, it has failed miserably. But if instead it was inspired and intended to stimulate conversation, to keep people thinking and talking and arguing and seeking, across continents and centuries, if has succeeded and is succeeding in a truly remarkable way. 120

Doesthe bible tell us to shut up and listen because everything is settled? Or does it invite us to be part of the conversation 121

Job - 3 parts bulk of what is said in job god says is nonsense bits quoting duetueronmy but it is inspired ?

Five lines of evolution in the biblical writers understanding of god. Gradual maturing in understanding god's uniqueness. Ethics. Universality. Agency. Maturing regarding god's character 131 ff

Jesus' offer of life of the ages and life abundant sparkle with new significance. When Jesus promises life of the ages he is not promising life after death or life in eternal heaven instead of eternal hell. Instead jc is offering a life that transcends life in the present age, and age that is .... To be born into this new creation. Jc is offering a life in the new genesis, the new creation which is of the ages ( resurrection) 173

Seen in this light jc and his message have everything to do with poverty, slavery and a social agenda.

5 paradigms that shape interpretation Greco roman narrative,the constitutional approach to the bible, the tribal and violent understanding of god, a rather flattened view of Jesus and a domesticated understanding of the gospel. 215

Nemo dat quod non habet you can't give what you don't have 220

The message of the new righteousness which eschatological faith brings into the world says that no one will triumph over the other. New righteousness will break through the vicious circles of hate and vengeance creating a new humanity. 276 moltmann cf

This is q new kind of eschatology - not an eschatology of determinism and acquiescence , but an eschatology of hope, anticipation and participation. 276

Learn to combine the courage to differ with the grace to differ graciously. Learn to share with those who 'get it' or want to 'get it' and not bother or look down on those who dont 326

If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 336

Bernard of Clairvaux spoke of four stages in the spiritual life.
Love yourself for your own sake - infant at mothers breast ecstatic in the warmth of being held- unaware of anyone outside himself.
Loving god for your own sake - child who learns to appreciate his mother - draw a picture - love mixed with gratitude
Loving god for god's sake - adolescent who sees mother for who she is not what she does
Loving yourself for god's sake - young man who has messed up but is inspired by how much his mother loves him. 400


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