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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Holmes, U. T. (2002). A history of Christian spirituality: an analytical introduction 

Pietism, which can be defined briefly here as the confusion of subjective, superficial feelings with theology, follows a period of theological sterility: 15th c following nominalism; the late 17 and 18 c following Protestant scholasticism and today following the radical or 'death of god' theology of the 1960s 9

Fd - process of maturation or coming to wholeness 12

Goal of spiritual life is not gnosis but agape. It is not an affective emotional love, however. It is the love exemplified I the cross, the washing of feet, and the caring for the unlovable 20

Gregory of Nyssa - one never arrives .. For the perfection of human nature consists I it's very growth in goodness. One strives for the goal or mark. 33

It is the love of god that penetrates the soul that the soul might participate in god - compenetration - soul and god emigrate into one another 33

Augustine - seven degrees of spiritual growth 45

Anslem 'faith seeking understanding' speculative
Soul seeking word st Bernard - affective 57

Bonaventure ascent of the soul de triplici via concerning the triple way. Three ways of meditation purgation illumination and union 66

Sin for Tauler was self will 73
Prayer is the contemplation of god. Verbal prayer is but the clothing, not the ' person of prayer' the essence of prayer is that the heart and mind go out to god without intermediary ... the lifting of the mind to god in prayer. 74

My truest I is god 76 the knowledge of the inner self.

Pietism is a term which, while historically rooted to the late 17 c describes a degeneration of spiritually that may be characterised more generally as suffering from sentimentality, biblicism, personalism, exclusionalism, fideism, anti-intellectualism. It flourishes in self-congratulatory small groups. It is impervious to criticism because it recognises no canon of truth outside the subjective meaning of it's membership.

15c increasing preoccupation with the occult, particularly witches takes place 83

John of the cross has a low estimate of people who suffer from what he calls the 'spiritual sweet tooth' These are individuals who like to dabble in prayer, getting an occasional 'thrill' and posing as holy people... Quote the latest books on prayer, and subtly boast of spiritual epiphenomena 100

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