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Friday, August 22, 2014

Pohl, C.D. (1999) Making room: recovering hospitality as a Christian tradition. Eerdmans. 

Pohl, C.D. (1999) Making room: recovering hospitality as a Christian tradition. Eerdmans. 

A mystery of hospitality is how often one senses God's presence in the midst of very ordinary activities... as we make room for hospitality, more room becomes available to us for life, hope, and grace. Xiii

"The opposite of cruelty is not simply freedom from the cruel relationship, it is hospitality." Halle, p. 1981 "from cruelty to goodness" the Hastings centre report 11 26-27 pp 12

The most potent setting for hospitality is in the overlap of private and public space; hospitality flourishes at the intersection of the personal, intimate characteristics of the home and the transforming expectations of the church. Practitioners view hospitality as a sacred practice and find God is specially present in Guest/host relationships. Pp12

Hospitality is not optional for christians, nor is it limited to those who are especially gifted for it. It is, instead, a necessary practice in the community of faith. One of the Greek words for hospitality, philoxenia, combines the general word for love or affection for people who are connected by kinship or faith (Phileo), and the word stranger (xenos). Thus, etymologically and practically, in the new Testament, hospitality is closely connected to love. Because philoxenia includes the word for stranger, hospitality's orientation towards strangers is also more apparent in Greek than in English. Pp31

Hospitality as an infusion of the presence of Christ - SA sacrament , Osborne ? Ro 12 pp 34

Although we often think of hospitality as a tame and pleasant practice, Christian hospitality has always had a subversive, countercultural dimension. ... That points to a different system of valuing and an alternate model of relationships pp61

Recognising the stranger, redefining the neighbour - parable of the good Samaritan pp75

There is a kind of hospitality that keeps people needy strangers while fostering an illusion of relationship and connection. It both disempowers and domesticates guests one while it reinforces the hosts power, control, and sense of generosity. 120

2co 9:8 widow of zarephath and Elijah. 

The temptation to use hospitality for advantage remains an important issue today because we tend to be so instrumental in our thinking, so calculating, so aware of costs and benefits.... We must be wary of efforts to turn hospitality into some form of commercial exchange.144

Can we make the places which shape our lives and in which we spend our days more hospitable? Do current practices within these settings distort hospitality or shut out strangers? 150

Shelter of each other 169 Irish illustration sermon. 

Did we see Christ in then? Did they see Christ in us?

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